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I love YouTube …

January 21, 2010

A podcast taking a look back on the recently completed matches between England-South Africa and Australia-Pakistan is on the way, but until it is ready, I wanted to share some wonderful news:

Cricket is coming to YouTube in a big way!

It’s wonderful news, isn’t it? Although what it means for us Yanks wasn’t made overly clear (the article says the USA “will have re-broadcast options,” whatever that means.), it can only be seen as a positive step forward for both the IPL and cricket as a whole. IPL Commissioner Lalit Modi nearly exploded with the news:

“This changes the world of sports broadcasting. The internet has changed the lives of everyone and this will do the same for sport,” Modi told the Daily Telegraph. “We are now taking our event truly global for the first time. Google gives us access to 500 million pairs of eyes every single moment of the day. There are a few countries where the feed will be near as live which means there will be a delay of only a few minutes, but most places will be able to see live streaming of the action.”

There will be more to come on this in future blog posts and podcasts as the details become available. However, rest assured that I am looking forward to March 12 even more now!

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